My intent is to interview a woman owned business once a week about their businesses and have a link to their site on the right. Now we all know about good intentions, right?? I may(will) miss here and there, but will try to be consistent!!
Interested?? Here's what you need to do...
E-mail me and I'll send you the interview questions.
Send me a picture of yourself...don't have one?? Well I happened to be a photographer ;) and if I have enough interest will plan a mini session (free of charge!!) in December to capture some great pics of you!
Then, when it's your turn, your intereview will be posted!
To start, I'm going to go first!
Name:Carol Swaitkewich
AKA:mmmm, nothing! I've never had a nickname! My neighbours tried to give me one a few weeks ago, but, let's just say it didn't stick!
Hails from: right here in Winnipeg, Man. I did live in B.C. for a few years as a child, and now live in LaSalle, Man.
Name of your business: Freckle Face Photography
When was your business born? October 2007 I did my first "real" shoot, my website went live January 2008.
Why did you start your business? What inspires you? I consider myself a creative person and had been looking for something I could do once my children were in school that was creative. For some reason photography didn't occur to be as a business idea until fairly recently, even though I have always been "into" photography. My children of course are a huge inspiration to me and my business. When you capture an image of a child that gives the parents goosebumps, you know you have found your calling. I've had many jobs but had never felt like it was what I was supposed to do. I feel pretty lucky because I know not everyone finds that.
What does you business offer? Quality, custom portraiture of your children and family. Capturing real life, freckles and all!
Where do you see your business in the future? Doing exactly what I do right now! But maybe a litle more efficiently! Let's just say I'm not the most organized girl around! I also plan on expanding my product line over the next little while to offer cool stuff to my clients! I would really love to have a natural light studio one day! That's in the 5 year plan!!
How do you balance work/family? This is a trick question!! I don't have a good answer which is why I'm asking it!! I need help in this area!! How do you do it???
Now for a few "fun" questions...
Skills: Getting 3 children ready for school and out the door in the morning in 1/2 an hour.
Challenges: Doing above skill without yelling,lol!
Chips or chocolate? I have to pick one?????
Secret weapon: Mini M&M's. A toddler will do anything for those!
Enemies/pet peeves: People who cel phone and drive, people who do dumb things to get on America's Funniest Home Videos.
Can't live without: My family, caffeine, my camera and the internet.
Heroes: All Moms,especially mine, (hi mom!!) my hubby (even though he never reads my blog, phfftttt!!!!)
Little known fact: I'll have to get back to you on that one... I'm not really that interesting!!
There you have it!! These will be the questions you have to answer.
Now for the picture! I'm also including a image of me and my hubby.He wouldn't like this but because he never reads this he'll never know!! We don't have anything but snapshots of us, usually he's taking the picture of us with one hand, since we were married. Definitely something we should do on a regular basis. Thanks Rosie for taking them!

Now for the sneak peek! it was SO cold the morning of this shoot but this little peanut was awesome!! She was super busy and after just learning to walk couldn't be slowed down! Your gallery will be ready soon "H" family! Enjoy your sneak peek!

Thanks for looking!
What a fantastic idea!! Kudo's to you!
you are beautiful!! just thought i would share that.
What are you talking about, "I'm not that interesting"... You are FASCINATING! You are FANTASTIC and FABULOUS and we need to do sushi soon one day again.
ohhh- I want to play! So neat!
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