Thursday, October 30, 2008

{my baby...}

...isn't a baby anymore.
"I" just turned 4 at the beginning of October.
I took her out yesterday to do a late birthday shoot. It's still October so I'm not THAT late!!
These are some of my favorite pictures to date. They are totally different than anything I've done and I wouldn't consider them my style, but I LOVE them. The last one is going somewhere, not yet sure where, in my home, HUGE!

This one takes my breath away...Thanks for looking!


Saturday, October 25, 2008

{friends & neighbours... part 3}

This next sneak peek is for 2 great families!
First the "H" family...
This couple were the first neighbours we met when we were building our house and we were so happy to have such nice people living across from us!
They are now 2 members bigger since we first met them! You wouldn't recogniser her, but baby "J" was featured in a blog post this past summer.

Big sister "M".

Next up is the "C" family!

Mom "E" is a friend of mine from a mom's group and this is the 2nd time I've photographed them. I love working with them because "E" "gets me". They like unposed, unscripted, real and I love that!

This time I turned the camera on them as a couple instead of just as parents and I am thrilled with what we got!! I {heart} sunflare!!These aren't even my favs!!

Both of your galleries will be ready this week!

Thanks for looking!


Thursday, October 23, 2008

{friends & neighbours... part 2}

Look at me posting 2 days in a row!! Don't get used to this!
Here's my next 2 families that are friends of mine. These mom's and I share babysitting so we can all work and save some babysitting costs! It works great and our kids love playing with each other. The kids are actually here as I write this...I watching them, really I am!!
Here's the "G" family!

I {heart} this image!! So sweet!Here's the "B" family!

Coolest golf cart EVA!!

More LaSalle families coming in the next few days!!

And don't worry "E" I didn't forget about your sneak peek! It will be up next!!

Thanks for looking!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

{friends & neighbours... part 1}

It was a busy weekend shooting, mostly here in LaSalle, which is SO nice!! And I was shooting mostly for my friends and neighbours! I have a whole lotta pics to post but I think I'll split them up into 2 or 3 seperate posts.

Here are 2 families that I hang out on an weekly/daily basis!!

Ladies, you don't mind if I pull out my camera this weekend at the halloween party, and post them here do you??!!!
Here's the "D" family!
This is my daughter "I's" future husband!
Here's the "M/W" family!
You may recognize these beauties from my website!!

Stay tuned for part 2 soon!

Thanks for looking!


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

{sweet,sweet baby}

I {heart} newborns!!!!
Have I mentioned this before??
I do.
It almost makes me want to have another baby so I can have a newborn to photograph.
The key word there is ALMOST...not quite!
Newborn sessions can be hard and long. We take lots of breaks for nursing, changing and cleaning up poop!! This session took 4 hours, but the results are heartmelting... and worth every minute!!
Enjoy you sneak peek "B" family! Your gallery will be ready in a day or so...

Thanks for looking!


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

{and the winners are...}

The winner of the Paper Raisin gift certificate is...

Tasha from Life's Little Treasures Photography!

Congrats Tasha! E-mail me to give me your address!

For the second contest I just have to say how hard this was for my girls!! They truly thought they were all good and my oldest "A" asked if 6 people could win! So please know how close it was!

The winners of the photo shoot and print credit are...

Lee-Ann & Sheila!

Here are their entries...


"Once upon a time there was young princess named Mackenzie. She was a beautiful one-year-old girl who lived in a small house in Winnipeg with her two less-than-photogenic parents, Trent and Sheila. She dreamed of the day when she would meet her fairy-god-mother so she could make a wish. The wish would be to have a family picture that could be sent around the province in time for Christmas. It would take a gifted fairy-god-mother to be able to take a picture that would capture the greatness of the love this special family has for one another. A gifted fairy-god-mother who could make Princess Mackenzie's mother and father look worthy of having such a beautiful little girl as a daughter.Are you Princess Mackenzie's fairy-god-mother? Are you the gifted Photographer who could grant her wish? We hope so......

Thank you,Sheila "

These 2 ladies so knew their audience!! Congrats!! I will be in touch!

My daughters "P" and "A" really wanted to choose 3 winners, it took them all of our dinner time to decide so I bent a bit and said we could have a third prize winner of a $50 print credit!

That winner is Lisa!

Here is her entry which pulled at my girls heartstrings!

"Dear Carol and girls,

I would love to win this prize for my Mommy and Daddy and little brother C. I was not in the best mood when you came to take my picture and sure would like another chance, maybe in the springtime when the grass and trees are green again? I would do my best to put my happy face on so that we could take some new photos. You were such a nice lady to me and you were so patient while I collected acorns. You took the best photos of my family. They made my mommy cry, but she said it was ‘cause she was so happy.
I’ll be turning 3 in April, so I’ll need to have my 3 year-old photos taken and my little brother will be turning one in March, which is a really big deal, so he’ll need new photos too!!!
I really hope that you pick us to win! Love J"

Thank you to all who entered and commented! I may have to have more contests in the future! It was fun!!

On to the sneak peek!

How's that for the coolest spot EVER???
I love photographing teens and older kids! It's so nice not to have to convince someone to look at me,lol!! Your gallery will be ready soon!
Thanks for looking!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

{catching up on sneak peeks}

***scroll down to {100!!!} post to enter contest***

I haven't been as consistent with sneak peeks lately. It's just been too crazy! Hopefully when it slows down in a few weeks I'll be able to post some of the great families I've had the pleasure of meeting these past few weeks!
Here's a sneak peek for the "O" family!
We had a great time at the park, jumping, chasing and throwing leaves and playing on the play structure. These kids were AWESOME!! So easy going and willing to do anything I asked!
Enjoy your sneak peek!!

Thanks for looking!


Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Yay!! I'm so pumped to be writing my 100th post!
To celebrate, here's a super easy contest! Actually, 2 contests!

Contest #1- All you have to do is comment...that's it! Leave a comment on THIS post (at the bottom) and you will be entered to win a $30.00 gift certificate to Paper Raisins, knitted hats and clothing.
You don't have to be from Winnipeg to enter, I'll send it to you, where ever you live!
Please make sure you leave your name in your comment, or you will not be entered. I will radomly select a winner on Tuesday October 14th.
You have until Monday October 13th, 11:59p.m.(Canadian Thanksgiving) to post your comment.

Contest #2- This one is for Winnipeggers/Manitobans only!!
I am giving away 2 sessions and a $50 print credit! Get a little creative and send me an e-mail telling me why you'd like a Freckle Face Photography Session!
My girls will be deciding on the winners for this contest (they won't know names) so think about your audience when sending your e-mails!
You also must have your e-mail in by October 13th, 11:59p.m.

What's a post without pictures!!
Everyone's excited about the contest!!

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I just have to say how truly grateful I am to all my clients during this past year, my family and friends (on-line and off!) who have encouraged me and supported me. I am blessed. Thank you! I look forward to many new and exciting things to come in my second year of business!
Thanks for looking!