Friday, September 19, 2008

{notice anything... different?}

Thanks to my wonderful friends on Facebook, Brooke Bowland and Tiffany Playfair I now have BIGGER IMAGES!!!!!
HTML code is Greek to me so I would never have attempted to do this but with Brooke's super easy instructions and Tiffany's help when I screwed it up, voila!
Now the bad part...resizing a years worth of posts:( Not sure when I'll get around to that but I'll plug along a post at a time. Speaking of posts, I just noticed I am almost at 100 posts!! Yay me! I'll have to think of something special for my 100th post. Stay tuned. For now, here's a few more BIG images!

As always,

Thanks for looking!



Carrie said...

Wow! I so want BIG blogger images too! Was it hard?

My Crafty Mama said...

Love your blog! Would love to know how to make my blog better with bigger images...Can I know the secret?