We have ALOT of girls on our street, they probably out number the boys 2 to 1, or even 3 to 1!! That's not a huge problem now but in 10 years from now, there may be alot of fighting over these boys,LOL!!!
Now there is one more girl to add to that number! Baby "J" was born just over a week ago and I was so happy to get to photograph her for the first time!! She was so good during our session, awake for a bit, sleeping for most and only peeing on me once!!
There were so many great images I had a hard time picking a few, so I didn't!! Here's alot!
Meet baby "J" and her new big sister "M".Couldn't decide whether I liked color or b&w better...what do you think??
Thanks for looking!
Carol, my grandchildren are gorgeous you have complimented them even more - thank you.
I like the last one in color better. great work!
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