Instead, if you order $600.00 or more in prints or products you will receive an album of all session images(4x6) for free.
I have had a lot of storyboard orders lately and I just realized I didn't have this written anywhere.
A storyboard starts with a consultation about what the client is looking for. We talk about what kind of look, size and mounting options for the design. The design fee is $25.00 per storyboard and includes 2 designs and 2 revisions. The cost of the finished product is dependant on size and material of the mount. I will have a price list on the website in the next week.
That's it for now for business stuff but will be posting more over the next week as I hammer out the details!
Here are a few of my favorite images from the shoot I took my girls on last week. This session was. not. fun. Why are my own children so difficult to photograph???? You'd never know it from the results though. There are so many great ones and I will have a hard time picking "the one". I desperately want a canvas of all three of them. Maybe you can help me decide??
Please leave me a comment telling me your favorite one!
This first one is not canvas worthy but I LOVE their expressions!

#6This last one looks great in color too.
How will I ever decide?????
Thanks for looking!
I'm torn between 5 & 6 - i just find 6 so artistically's a tough call!!! :)
I think I like the last one best - I'm worried that the first ones may be too bright with the backlighting on a large canvas? The last one is beautiful though - would love to see it in colour too - but I do like it as a B&W
I love the last one best! They look like three little faries in a forest. Could you please put it up in color so I can see the difference.
Your sis(your biggest fan)
what beautiful girls, I love their dresses!
My vote is for 5 or 6; really you should do both they are so beautiful!!
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