I hope this isn't what "H" thought of me and my camera!!
There's alot to go through "E"! I'll let you know when your gallery is ready! Can't wait for spring and the horses!
new blog!! Go to http://frecklefacephotography.ca
I hope this isn't what "H" thought of me and my camera!!
There's alot to go through "E"! I'll let you know when your gallery is ready! Can't wait for spring and the horses!
Even Racoonie got to tag along!
More fun running after the sleigh than actually riding on it!
Happy Birthday "Duke"!!
Love Ya!
~ Auntie Carol
Thanks to everyone who has supported me through out this business/website building process. My wonderful husband, my children, and both of our families and friends. And to the faces of the people you see in my new website. They have helped me make this dream a reality. I look forward to taking many more pictures of you!!
I guess "A" will be next! She's sure to want a turn as well!
Update on the website: I'm STILL waiting. It's being set up as I write but it can take up to 72 hours to propagate...does anyone know what that means? If you do please leave me a message to explain it to me! So it's been over 24 hours, you do the math! Will let you know when it's up! I know my friend "K" is waiting because she can't see her gallery until it goes live.
Telling me her favorite joke:
I: "knock, knock!"
Me: "who's there?"
I : "Anita"
Me: "Anita who?"
I: "Anita cup of hot chocolate!!"
Cracks her up every time!!Of course no photoshoot is complete without at least one costume change!
I love this picture...so much personality! They were up for anything! Thanks girls for letting me photograph you.
I'm working on a website and should have it up and running within the next few weeks! Can't wait for you to see it!!