I'm workin' on the rest "S". I'll let you know when they're done! For now here's a sneak peek!

new blog!! Go to http://frecklefacephotography.ca
Thanks so much "C & C". I'll let you know when the rest are done! I can't wait for you to see them!
Have a great weekend!
Can't wait to finish the rest . I'll let you know when they're done "C"!
This is shot from my first newborn shoot. "J" would not fall asleep but by the end of the session he finally conked out. Getting pictures taken is hard work!
The middle sister:
The big sister:
I'm sure you will see these faces alot. I love to take pictures of them! They, on the other hand, not so much! Sometimes I have to bribe them....that's o.k.....right?