Friday, December 28, 2007

{he's here!}

Baby "C" has finally arrived, almost 2 weeks past his due date!

You'll remember his beautiful mommy from the maternity session a few posts back. I had a blast taking his pictures today and he was pretty co-operative...well, except for the pooping part... hope it comes out of your jeans "J"!!

Here's a sneak peek for the new family and I'm sure I'll be finished the rest very soon! I'm anxious to proof them!! These are good, but I'm saving the best for the gallery!

Baby "C's" Nana had this teddy bear made for him from her old fur coat! So beautiful!!Congratulation "J&G"! He's one beautiful boy!


Sunday, December 23, 2007

{a merry little christmas}

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!!

May 2008 bring you and your families all you could hope for!


Friday, December 21, 2007

{I should be...}

I should be cleaning...I should be wrapping presents(I haven't started yet!!)... I should be making perogies...but instead I'm reminiscing. I'm looking at pictures from this past summer. Ahhhh, summer....I miss summer. Don't get me wrong, I LIKE winter. I like watching the kids toboggan, making snowmen, big fat lazy snowflakes and Christmas. I LOVE Christmas but I love summer more. (sorry, my snowmobiling addicted husband:))
Here's a few pictures of a visit to my mom and dad's house in Gimili, or Gimili House as it's called by the grand kids.

This was as good as it got mom!!


Monday, December 17, 2007

{Amazing Mom's}

In the fall of 2004 I joined a local Mom's group called St. Norbert Y-Neighbours. I had a 41/2 yr old a 21/2 yr old and a baby on the way. I didn't have many friends who had children so I didn't have anyone to talk to about the challenges of raising kids. I could go days where the only adult I talked to was my husband. This group was exactly what I needed!! We meet once a week to chat, eat and we have speakers who come and talk about topics pertaining to mom's and kids. Over the last month I've had the opportunity to photograph a few of these kids and families.
"H&H & mom L"
Even the dog got in on the acton!
"N and mom W".
"N" has a big brother but this session was all about her!!This family was from a previous post but mom "M" is a Y-Neighbour too!

Thank you so much to ALL Y-Neighbour moms. I couldn't ask for a greater group of friends!!


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

{sneak peek}

Shoots with kids can be unpredictable! You never know how they will react to you. Will they be silly and make faces? or shy and never crack a smile? You really just gotta go with it and take what you can get. Mom "M" really wanted a family shot and some with her kids together...well they had other plans! Don't worry "M" we got some good ones, even some together!!
How does that saying go?...never work with kids and dogs... well then I'd miss out on shots like these!


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

{gorgeous girls}

I was so excited to photograph these girls. When we met them I thought, "I need to take their pictures!!"... because they are gorgeous!!! See for yourself.......

I had to restrain myself from posting too many of these. I want to save them for the gallery. "C", they should be done tomorrow. I'll let you know!
